; Vector:
; Point 1
; O
; `-_
; '-_
; `-_
; '-_ ,
; `-_l
; _-'
; O
; Point 2
; This can be anything
; from calculation motion
; to drawing a simple line.
; O ---
; / /|\
; / |
; / | distance Y
; / |
; / |
; / \|/
; O ---
; |<---->|
; distance X
; It doesn't really matter
; where point 1 is
; compared to point 2.
; It can go in any direction.
; :`
; : `
; 1 ; `
; O ' 225 degrees
; / `
; / '
; distance / '''
; /
; /
; /
; O
; 2
; Going from point 1 to point 2
; means going in the direction of 225 degrees
; when 0 degrees means UP
; and clockwise means positive.
; Some people use anti-clockwise
; and 0 degrees means RIGHT.
; It's all up to the programmer :)
; So you can actually look at vectors
; in multiple ways.
; Distance X and Distance Y
; or
; Distance and Direction (angle)
; I've created 4 functions you can use
; to convert to/from each of these
; without breaking your head over maths.
; Easy to use functions
; For those of you (including me)
; who don't like doing all the maths
; every time and time again :P
;= Get horizontal size of vector using distance and angle
Function VectorX# ( Distance# , Angle# )
Return Sin ( Angle ) * Distance
End Function
;= Get vertical size of vector using distance and angle
Function VectorY# ( Distance# , Angle# )
Return Sin ( Angle - 90 ) * Distance
End Function
;= Get true length of a vector
Function VectorDistance# ( X# , Y# )
Return Sqr ( X * X + Y * Y )
End Function
;= Get true angle of a vector
Function VectorAngle# ( X# , Y# )
Return -Atan2 ( X , Y ) + 180
End Function
; And here's how they work:
; DistanceX = VectorX ( Distance , Angle )
; DistanceY = VectorY ( Distance , Angle )
; Distance = VectorDistance ( DistanceX , DistanceY )
; Angle = VectorAngle ( DistanceX , DistanceY )
; Note that the orientation used
; in the functions is:
; - clockwise
; - 0 degrees means UP
; I've included 5 example programs
; to demonstrate the usage of the functions.
; E.g. to display that you can create
; entire games without complicated maths :)
; I've created functions out of the sections
; so you can just run each section
; without having to copy/paste
; everything to a new program.
; Here are the first 5 functions
; (name, description):
; prog1 How vectors work
; prog2 Motion using vectors (example 1)
; prog3 Motion using vectors (example 2)
; prog4 Space physics (example 1)
; prog5 Space physics (example 2)
; If you want to dive deeper into
; how exactly Sin and Cos work,
; here's a number of more
; math intensive programs
; to demonstrate how they work.
; sine1 What Sin and Cos look like
; sine2 What values Sin has
; sine3 Sin(a) = Cos(a - 90)
; sine4 Simple vector example
; sine5 Elaborate vector example
; sine6 Circle
; sine7 Rays
; If you only want to use the functions,
; here's the function call to try out
; a particular section.
; Below I'll explain more about
; how Sin and Cos work.
; First, some more vector
; orientation explanation
; found on BlitzCoder:
; There are different ways to use vectors.
; The most common vector is simply having an X and Y.
; These would be used to, for example, calculate a ship's displacement.
; Imagine a matrix or grid with (0,0) as the center.
; When visualizing, a vector would always be drawn from this point.
; Another way is to use Angle and Length.
; Angle would be the angle of the line from (0,0) to (X,Y).
; And Length being the actual distance between these points.
; The graph below displays:
; T
; *
; /I
; / I
; / I
; v / I
; / I y
; / I
; / I
; / I
; /a I
; *---------*
; V B
; x
; Line VB represents the horizontal distance x
; Line BT represents the vertical distance y
; Line VT (v) represents the length of the vector
; E.g. the combined of distance x and y
; Angle 'a' represents the angle of the vector
; X
; Native vector notation: ---
; Y
; Default pythagoras formula applies to this triangle: x^2 + y^2 = v^2
; There are also various Sin, Cos and Tan formulas to apply.
; Basically anything with trigonometry.
; The first section (prog1) is a representation of the above.
; Now, even though Sin and Cos are functions
; which calculate something for you,
; they should always return the same value
; when giving the same parameter.
; So you can basically look at them like
; arrays containing values.
; You can take a look at sine1
; (the program or function)
; to see what the values look like
; when you draw them.
; Program sine2 will display a table
; of exactly which values you get
; with which angles.
; Why not displaying a table
; with the values of Cos?
; Actually Sin and Cos have
; the exact same pattern, a sinewave.
; The only difference is where they begin.
; When you look at sine1 again,
; you'll see the phase difference.
; Sine3 will show you that
; you can use any phase or offset
; using only Sin.
; When you multiply the value
; from Sin/Cos you can get
; a distance of your choice.
; Normally the returned value
; is in range of [-1..1]
; e.g. max distance = 1.
; When looking at sine4
; you'll find that:
; PosX = Sin ( Angle ) * Radius
; And when running sine5
; you might find that it's
; actually a lot like prog1.
; Finally there's sine6 which
; plots pixels on the path
; making a circle.
; And sine7 where lines
; are drawn towards the path
; creating rays from the center.
; Below you'll find all the code inside separated functions.
; Example of displaying a true vector
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;
; Move your mouse to alternate the vector
Function prog1 ()
Graphics 640 , 480
SetBuffer BackBuffer() ; Double buffering, e.g. draw to invisible buffer and swap to visible when done
X1 = GraphicsWidth() / 2 ; Center of screen is center of vector
Y1 = GraphicsHeight() / 2 ;
MoveMouse X1 + 100 , Y1 - 100 ; Put mouse in a spot to resemble the graph in the vector help
Repeat ; Main loop
Cls ; Clear screen each frame
X2 = MouseX() ; Use mouse for vector coordinates
Y2 = MouseY() ;
Length = VectorDistance( X2-X1 , Y2-Y1 ) ; Calculate true length of the vector
Angle = VectorAngle( X2-X1 , Y2-Y1 ) ; And true angle
Color 0 , 127 , 255 ; Display relevant info
Text 0 , 0 * FontHeight() , "X Length: " + (X2-X1)
Text 0 , 1 * FontHeight() , "Y Length: " + (Y2-Y1)
Text 0 , 2 * FontHeight() , "Vector Length: " + Length
Text 0 , 3 * FontHeight() , "Vector Angle: " + Angle
X2 = X1 + VectorX( Length , Angle ) ; REcalculate vector coordinates, to demonstrate using GetVector
Y2 = Y1 + VectorY( Length , Angle ) ; The vector is drawn from center of screen
Color 0 , 255 , 0
Line X1 , Y1 , X2 , Y2 ; Draw vector line (v)
Color 255 , 255 , 0
Line X1 , Y1 , X2 , Y1 ; Draw the horizontal line (x)
Line X2 , Y2 , X2 , Y1 ; Draw the vertical line (y)
Flip ; Using double buffering so, display all
Until GetKey() ; Until any ASCII keypress
End Function
; Specific example for GetLength and GetAngle
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;
; Demonstrates 'ashies' (grey dots) floating around.
Type Dot ; Ashy
Field PosX# ; All ashies have unique positions
Field PosY# ;
Field LastAngle% ; And an angle to remember where they're going
Field Color% ; Also a color
End Type
Function prog2 ()
Graphics 640 , 480
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
SeedRnd MilliSecs() ; Randomize
TotalDots = 100 ; Total number of dots to create
Local Dot.Dot ; Creating a collection of dots
For Counter = 1 To TotalDots ; Creating the dolly dots
Dot = New Dot
Dot\PosX = Rnd( 0 , GraphicsWidth() ) ; Random position on screen
Dot\PosY = Rnd( 0 , GraphicsHeight() ) ;
Dot\LastAngle = Rnd( 0 , 359 ) ; Random direction to begin with
Dot\Color = Rnd( 64 , 255 ) ; And a random color (grey shade)
For Dot = Each Dot ; Iterate through all dots
IncX# = Rnd( -5 , 5 ) ; Get random horizontal increment
IncY# = Rnd( -5 , 5 ) ; Get random vertical increment
Length = VectorDistance( IncX , IncY ) ; Calculate the real length of the line (size of the vector)
Angle = VectorAngle( IncX , IncY ) ; Calculate the real angle
Until Length >= 2 And Length <= 5 And Abs ( Dot\LastAngle - Angle ) <= 10
; Repeat calculating until we get a line with length between 2 and 5
; and an angle that differs no more than 10 degrees from the current angle
; This technique is very slow but demonstrates the purpose
Dot\LastAngle = Angle ; Remember the current angle
Dot\PosX = Dot\PosX + IncX ; Update the dot's horizontal position by the new increment
If Dot\PosX < 0 Then Dot\PosX = Dot\PosX + GraphicsWidth() ; But if it goes off-screen, make it warp
If Dot\PosX > GraphicsWidth() Then Dot\PosX = Dot\PosX - GraphicsWidth()
Dot\PosY = Dot\PosY + IncY ; Same for vertical position
If Dot\PosY < 0 Then Dot\PosY = Dot\PosY + GraphicsHeight()
If Dot\PosY > GraphicsHeight() Then Dot\PosY = Dot\PosY - GraphicsHeight()
Color Dot\Color , Dot\Color , Dot\Color ; Pick da color
Plot Dot\PosX , Dot\PosY ; Plot the dot, you can use writepixel too
Until GetKey()
Delete Each Dot ; Wipe them out
End Function
; Specific example for GetVectorX and GetVectorY
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;
; Demonstrates 'fishies' (nibbles/lines) wondering about with various speeds, sizes and colors.
Type Nibble ; Fishy
Field TailX# ; Fishy has head and tail
Field TailY# ; Program uses tail for positioning
Field Speed% ; Fishy has speed
Field Heading% ; Fishy has angle or heading
Field Size% ; Fishy has size, e.g. difference between head and tail
Field Color% ; And color (simple grey scale)
End Type
Function prog3 ()
Graphics 640 , 480
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
SeedRnd MilliSecs()
TotalNibbles = 20 ; Total number of nibbles to create
Local Nibble.Nibble ; Our collection of nibbles
For Counter = 1 To TotalNibbles ; Create nibbles
Nibble = New Nibble
Nibble\TailX = Rnd( 0 , GraphicsWidth() ) ; Random position within screen boundaries
Nibble\TailY = Rnd( 0 , GraphicsHeight() ) ;
Nibble\Speed = Rnd( 2 , 5 ) ; Random speed
Nibble\Heading = Rnd( 0 , 359 ) ; Random heading to start with
Nibble\Size = Rnd( 5 , 10 ) ; Random size too
Nibble\Color = Rnd( 64 , 255 ) ; And random shade
For Nibble = Each Nibble ; Iterate through all nibbles
Nibble\Heading = Nibble\Heading + Rnd( -10 , 10 ) ; Randomly alternate heading with max 10 degrees
If Nibble\Heading < 0 Then Nibble\Heading = Nibble\Heading + 360 ; Keep angle in range of 0 and 359
If Nibble\Heading > 359 Then Nibble\Heading = Nibble\Heading - 360
Nibble\TailX = Nibble\TailX + VectorX( Nibble\Speed , Nibble\Heading ) ; Update position
If Nibble\TailX < 0 Then Nibble\TailX = Nibble\TailX + GraphicsWidth() ; Warp if off-screen
If Nibble\TailX >= GraphicsWidth() Then Nibble\TailX = Nibble\TailX - GraphicsWidth()
Nibble\TailY = Nibble\TailY + VectorY( Nibble\Speed , Nibble\Heading ) ; Same for vertical
If Nibble\TailY < 0 Then Nibble\TailY = Nibble\TailY + GraphicsHeight()
If Nibble\TailY >= GraphicsHeight() Then Nibble\TailY = Nibble\TailY - GraphicsHeight()
HeadX# = Nibble\TailX + VectorX( Nibble\Size , Nibble\Heading ) ; Calculate head based on tail
HeadY# = Nibble\TailY + VectorY( Nibble\Size , Nibble\Heading ) ; (can go off-screen)
Color Nibble\Color , Nibble\Color , Nibble\Color ; Nibble color
Line Nibble\TailX , Nibble\TailY , HeadX , HeadY ; Line from tail to head
Until GetKey()
Delete Each Nibble
End Function
; Example of space physics using vector translation (Method A)
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;
; Demonstrates the use of angle, thrust, heading and velocity
Function prog4 ()
Graphics 640 , 480
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
; Keyboard scancodes
KeyCursorUp% = 200
KeyCursorDown% = 208
KeyCursorLeft% = 203
KeyCursorRight% = 205
KeyEscape% = 1
KeySpace% = 57
; Craft specifications
ThrustMax# = 0.1 ; Maximum thrust speed
SpeedMax# = 5 ; Maximum allowed velocity
RotateMax# = 4 ; Maximum rotation speed (degrees)
; Craft related
PosX# = GraphicsWidth() / 2 ; Start at center of screen
PosY# = GraphicsHeight() / 2 ;
Thrust# = 0 ; Current thrust speed - in the direction of where the ship is pointing at
Angle% = 0 ; Current angle (rotation) - where the ship is pointing at
Speed# = 0 ; Current actual speed of the ship
Heading% = 0 ; Current heading - where the ship is moving towards (degrees)
; Logic related
Local Thrusting% = False ; Thrusts forwards/backwards when True, automatically decelerates thrust when False
Local VelocityX# = 0 ; Temporary variables for calculating the new velocity vector
Local VelocityY# = 0 ;
If KeyDown( KeyCursorLeft ) Then Angle = Angle - RotateMax ; Rotate anti-clockwise
If KeyDown( KeyCursorRight ) Then Angle = Angle + RotateMax ; Rotate clockwise
If Angle < 0 Then Angle = Angle + 360 ; Make sure angle is in range of 0-359 (shift)
If Angle > 359 Then Angle = Angle - 360
Thrusting = False ; Automatically decelerate thrust - reset thrusting flag
If KeyDown( KeyCursorUp ) Then ; Cursor up held down
Thrust = ThrustMax ; Start thrusting forwards at max speed
Thrusting = True ; Do not decelerate thrust
If KeyDown( KeyCursorDown ) Then ; Cursor down held down
Thrust = -ThrustMax ; Start thrusting backwards at max speed
Thrusting = True ; Do not decelerate thrust
If Not Thrusting Then Thrust = 0 ; Automatically decelerate thrusting when not thrusting (on request)
; Note:
; Speed & Heading = Current velocity vector [ VelocityX VelocityY ]
; Thrust & Angle = Current thrust vector [ ThrustX ThrustY ]
VelocityX = VectorX( Speed , Heading ) + VectorX( Thrust , Angle ) ; The new velocity vector is the sum of
VelocityY = VectorY( Speed , Heading ) + VectorY( Thrust , Angle ) ; the current velocity and thrust vector
Speed = VectorDistance( VelocityX , VelocityY ) ; Translate back to speed and heading
Heading = VectorAngle( VelocityX , VelocityY ) ;
If Speed > SpeedMax Then Speed = SpeedMax ; Limit speed to maximum
If KeyDown( KeySpace ) Then Speed = 0 ; Handbrake
PosX = PosX + VectorX( Speed , Heading ) ; Update horizontal position with current horizontal velocity inc.
If PosX < 0 Then PosX = PosX + GraphicsWidth() ; Warp if off-screen
If PosX >= GraphicsWidth() Then PosX = PosX - GraphicsWidth()
PosY = PosY + VectorY( Speed , Heading ) ; Same for vertical
If PosY < 0 Then PosY = PosY + GraphicsHeight()
If PosY >= GraphicsHeight() Then PosY = PosY - GraphicsHeight()
Color 0 , 127 , 255 ; Additional information
Oval PosX - 10 , PosY - 10 , 21 , 21 , True
Text 0 , 0 * FontHeight() , "X: " + Int(PosX) + " Y: " + Int(PosY)
Color 127 , 255 , 127
Line PosX , PosY , PosX + VectorX( 10 , Heading ) , PosY + VectorY( 10 , Heading )
Text 0 , 1 * FontHeight() , "Speed: " + Int(Speed) + " Heading: " + Heading
Color 255 , 255 , 255
Line PosX , PosY , PosX + VectorX( 20 , Angle ) , PosY + VectorY( 20 , Angle )
Text 0 , 2 * FontHeight() , "Thrust: " + Thrusting + " Angle: " + Angle
Until KeyDown( KeyEscape )
End Function
; Example of space physics using vector translation (Method B)
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;
; Demonstrates the use of native thrust and velocity vectors
Function prog5 ()
Graphics 640 , 480
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
; Keyboard scancodes
KeyCursorUp% = 200
KeyCursorDown% = 208
KeyCursorLeft% = 203
KeyCursorRight% = 205
KeyEscape% = 1
KeySpace% = 57
; Craft specifications
ThrustMax# = 0.1 ; Maximum thrust speed
SpeedMax# = 5 ; Maximum allowed velocity
RotateMax# = 4 ; Maximum rotation speed (degrees)
; Craft related
PosX# = GraphicsWidth() / 2 ; Start at center of screen
PosY# = GraphicsHeight() / 2 ;
ThrustX# = 0 ; Native vector for thrust
ThrustY# = 0 ;
VelocityX# = 0 ; Native vector for velocity
VelocityY# = 0 ;
Angle% = 0 ; Current angle (degrees)
; Logic related
Local Thrusting% = False ; Thrusts forwards/backwards when True, automatically decelerates thrust when False
Local Speed# ; Temporary variables for calculation
Local Heading% ;
If KeyDown( KeyCursorLeft ) Then Angle = Angle - RotateMax ; Rotate anti-clockwise
If KeyDown( KeyCursorRight ) Then Angle = Angle + RotateMax ; Rotate clockwise
If Angle < 0 Then Angle = Angle + 360 ; Make sure angle is in range of 0-359 (shift)
If Angle > 359 Then Angle = Angle - 360
Thrusting = False ; Automatically decelerate thrust - reset thrusting flag
If KeyDown( KeyCursorUp ) Then ; Cursor up held down
ThrustX = VectorX( ThrustMax , Angle ) ; Start thrusting forwards at max speed
ThrustY = VectorY( ThrustMax , Angle ) ;
Thrusting = True ; Do not decelerate thrust
If KeyDown( KeyCursorDown ) Then ; Cursor down held down
ThrustX = VectorX( -ThrustMax , Angle ) ; Start thrusting backwards at max speed
ThrustY = VectorY( -ThrustMax , Angle ) ;
Thrusting = True ; Do not decelerate thrust
If Not Thrusting Then
ThrustX = 0 ; Automatically decelerate thrusting when not thrusting (on request)
ThrustY = 0 ;
VelocityX = VelocityX + ThrustX ; The new velocity vector is the sum of the current velocity and thrust vector
VelocityY = VelocityY + ThrustY ;
Speed = VectorDistance( VelocityX , VelocityY ) ; Calculate actual speed
Heading = VectorAngle( VelocityX , VelocityY ) ; Calculate actual heading
If Speed > SpeedMax Then Speed = SpeedMax ; Limit speed to maximum
If KeyDown( KeySpace ) Then Speed = 0 ; Handbrake
VelocityX = VectorX( Speed , Heading ) ; Translate back to native velocity vector
VelocityY = VectorY( Speed , Heading ) ;
PosX = PosX + VelocityX ; Update horizontal position with current horizontal velocity increment
If PosX < 0 Then PosX = PosX + GraphicsWidth() ; Warp if off-screen
If PosX >= GraphicsWidth() Then PosX = PosX - GraphicsWidth()
PosY = PosY + VelocityY ; Same for vertical
If PosY < 0 Then PosY = PosY + GraphicsHeight()
If PosY >= GraphicsHeight() Then PosY = PosY - GraphicsHeight()
Color 0 , 127 , 255 ; Additional information
Oval PosX - 10 , PosY - 10 , 21 , 21 , True
Text 0 , 0 * FontHeight() , "X: " + Int(PosX) + " Y: " + Int(PosY)
Color 127 , 255 , 127
Line PosX , PosY , PosX + VectorX( 10 , Heading ) , PosY + VectorY( 10 , Heading )
Text 0 , 1 * FontHeight() , "Speed: " + Int(Speed) + " Heading: " + Heading
Color 255 , 255 , 255
Line PosX , PosY , PosX + VectorX( 20 , Angle ) , PosY + VectorY( 20 , Angle )
Text 0 , 2 * FontHeight() , "Thrust: " + Thrusting + " Angle: " + Angle
Until KeyDown( KeyEscape )
End Function
Function sine1 ()
Height = 50
Offset = Height
Graphics 360 + 10 , Height*2 + Offset*2 + 10 , 2
ClsColor 255 , 255 , 255
Color 0 , 0 , 0
Text 0 , 0 , "SIN"
Text 0 , Offset + Height , "COS"
For PosX = 0 To 360 Step 10
For PosY = 0 To Height*2 + Offset*2 Step 4
Plot PosX , PosY
Line 0 , 0 , 360 , 0
Line 0 , Offset + Height , 360 , Offset + Height
Text 0 , Height*2 + Offset*2 , "0" , True , True
Text 90 , Height*2 + Offset*2 , "90" , True , True
Text 180 , Height*2 + Offset*2 , "180" , True , True
Text 270 , Height*2 + Offset*2 , "270" , True , True
Text 360 , Height*2 + Offset*2 , "360" , True , True
For Position = 0 To 359
Color 0 , 0 , 255
Plot Position , Sin ( Position ) * Height + Offset
Color 255 , 0 , 0
Plot Position , Cos ( Position ) * Height + Offset*2 + Height
End Function
Function sine2 ()
Graphics 300 , 600 , 2
Text 0 , 0 , "Angle"
Text 100 , 0 , "Sine"
Text 200 , 0 , "(rounded)"
pos = 10
For angle = 0 To 360 Step 10
value# = Sin ( angle )
pos = pos + 10
Text 0 , pos , angle
Text 100 , pos , value
Text 200 , pos , Int value
End Function
Function sine3 ()
offset = 180
finish = offset + 360
pos = pos + 1
value# = Sin ( pos + offset )
Plot pos , value * 50 + 50
Until pos + offset >= finish
End Function
Function sine4 ()
Graphics 640 , 480
middleX = 320
middleY = 240
radius = 100
; range
Oval middleX - radius , middleY - radius , radius*2 , radius*2 , False
; center point
Oval middleX - 5 , middleY - 5 , 10 , 10 , True
; start in center
startX = middleX
startY = middleY
; direction
angle = 123
; calculate end point
endX = Sin ( angle ) * radius + startX
endY = Sin ( angle - 90 ) * radius + startY
; draw vector from center
Line startX , startY , endX , endY
End Function
Function sine5 ()
Graphics 400 , 300 , 2
SetBuffer BackBuffer ()
middlex = GraphicsWidth () / 2
middley = GraphicsHeight () / 2
radius = 100
angle = angle + 1
If angle = 360 Then angle = 0
x = Sin ( angle ) * radius
y = Sin ( angle - 90 ) * radius
SpecialRect middlex , middley , x , y , False
Line middlex , middley , middlex + x , middley + y
Text 0 , 0 , "Angle: " + angle
Until KeyHit ( 1 )
End Function
Function SpecialRect ( x1 , y1 , sizex , sizey , filled = True )
x = x1
y = y1
xs = sizex
ys = sizey
If xs < 0
xs = -xs
x = x - xs
End If
If ys < 0
ys = -ys
y = y - ys
End If
Rect x , y , xs , ys , filled
End Function
Function sine6 ()
Graphics 640 , 480
SetBuffer BackBuffer ()
middleX = GraphicsWidth () / 2
middleY = GraphicsHeight () / 2
radius = 100
For angle = 0 To 359 Step 5
; calculate end point
X = Sin ( angle ) * radius + middleX
Y = Sin ( angle - 90 ) * radius + middleY
Plot X , Y
End Function
Function sine7 ()
Graphics 640 , 480
SetBuffer BackBuffer ()
middleX = GraphicsWidth () / 2
middleY = GraphicsHeight () / 2
radius = 100
For angle = 0 To 359 Step 5
; calculate end point
endX = Sin ( angle ) * radius + middleX
endY = Sin ( angle - 90 ) * radius + middleY
; draw vector from center
Line middleX , middleY , endX , endY
End Function
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