;   Step 7

    ;   Let's control both the player and the 'screen view point'.
    ;   So all we're doing is adding a section that changes the player
    ;    position on background.
    ;   And that's all there is to it! :)

    Back_SizeX = GraphicsWidth ()
    Back_SizeY = GraphicsHeight ()

    Player_SizeX = 20
    Player_SizeY = 20

    ;   Orientation point.

    Back_PosX = 0
    Back_PosY = 0

    ;   Player *starts* in middle of background.

    Player_BackPosX = Back_SizeX / 2
    Player_BackPosY = Back_SizeY / 2

    View_WorldPosX = 0
    View_WorldPosY = 0

    SetBuffer BackBuffer ()

        ;   Up/down/left/right to control player (regular arrow keys).
        ;   This is the only added part.

        If KeyDown ( 200 ) Then Player_BackPosY = Player_BackPosY - 1
        If KeyDown ( 208 ) Then Player_BackPosY = Player_BackPosY + 1
        If KeyDown ( 203 ) Then Player_BackPosX = Player_BackPosX - 1
        If KeyDown ( 205 ) Then Player_BackPosX = Player_BackPosX + 1

        ;   Up/down/left/right on keypad to control view (arrow keys on keypad).

        If KeyDown (  72 ) Then View_WorldPosY = View_WorldPosY - 2
        If KeyDown (  80 ) Then View_WorldPosY = View_WorldPosY + 2
        If KeyDown (  75 ) Then View_WorldPosX = View_WorldPosX - 2
        If KeyDown (  77 ) Then View_WorldPosX = View_WorldPosX + 2

        Back_ScreenPosX = Back_PosX - View_WorldPosX
        Back_ScreenPosY = Back_PosY - View_WorldPosY

        Player_ScreenPosX = Back_ScreenPosX + Player_BackPosX
        Player_ScreenPosY = Back_ScreenPosY + Player_BackPosY

        Rect Back_ScreenPosX , Back_ScreenPosY , Back_SizeX , Back_SizeY , False
        Rect Player_ScreenPosX , Player_ScreenPosY , Player_SizeX , Player_SizeY , False

    Until KeyHit ( 1 )