;   Step 2

    ;   Same as step 1 only with a background.
    ;   The background is just another rectangle.
    ;   Size of background is screen dimensions.

    Back_SizeX = GraphicsWidth ()
    Back_SizeY = GraphicsHeight ()

    Player_SizeX = 20
    Player_SizeY = 20

    Player_PosX = GraphicsWidth () / 2
    Player_PosY = GraphicsHeight () / 2

    SetBuffer BackBuffer ()

        If KeyDown ( 200 ) Then Player_PosY = Player_PosY - 1
        If KeyDown ( 208 ) Then Player_PosY = Player_PosY + 1
        If KeyDown ( 203 ) Then Player_PosX = Player_PosX - 1
        If KeyDown ( 205 ) Then Player_PosX = Player_PosX + 1

        Rect 0 , 0 , Back_SizeX , Back_SizeY , False
        Rect Player_PosX , Player_PosY , Player_SizeX , Player_SizeY , False

    Until KeyHit ( 1 )