;   Step 1

    ;   Starting with the most simple approach.
    ;   A player with position walking around on the screen.
    ;   And a rectangle as the player, cursor keys to move it.
    ;   Size of player is 20x20 pixels.

    Player_SizeX = 20
    Player_SizeY = 20

    ;   The player actual position is same as visual position.
    ;   Begin in middle of screen.

    Player_PosX = GraphicsWidth () / 2
    Player_PosY = GraphicsHeight () / 2

    SetBuffer BackBuffer ()

        If KeyDown ( 200 ) Then Player_PosY = Player_PosY - 1
        If KeyDown ( 208 ) Then Player_PosY = Player_PosY + 1
        If KeyDown ( 203 ) Then Player_PosX = Player_PosX - 1
        If KeyDown ( 205 ) Then Player_PosX = Player_PosX + 1

        ;   Note: player position is the upperleft corner of the rectangle.

        ;   (X,Y)
        ;      \
        ;       O---------+
        ;       |         |
        ;       |         |
        ;       |         |
        ;       |         |
        ;       |         |
        ;       +---------+

        ;   Orientation is different when for example using an image
        ;    with its handle placed in the middle of the image.

        ;   Image = LoadImage ( "MyImage.BMP" )
        ;    MidHandle Image

        ;       +---------+
        ;       |(X,Y)    |
        ;       |   \     |
        ;       |    O    |
        ;       |         |
        ;       |         |
        ;       +---------+

        ;   By default the image handle is in the upperleft corner.

        Rect Player_PosX , Player_PosY , Player_SizeX , Player_SizeY , False

    Until KeyHit ( 1 )