;   ;-------------------------------;
;   ;   Loops                       ;
;   ;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;
; Lots of sections in this part.
; Simply copy and paste the sections you want to try out.
; If you run this program right now, it will be stuck forever.
; So make sure Debug mode is enabled in case you're crazy enough to
; press the Run button :)
; Syntax:
;   Repeat
;       (action)
;       (action)
;   Forever
; Let's make the endless loop at least a little bit more useful.
    Value = 0
        Value = Value + 1
        Write Value + " "
        If Value = 10 Then Exit
; Try pasting the code above to a new program, and run it.
; You should see something like:
;   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
; The Exit command will escape the currently executing loop.
; So the 'program cursor' will skip to the first (action)
; under the Forever statement.
; No, there ain't any at the moment :P
; The Write command prints something on the screen
; only without moving the cursor to the next line.
; Here's the same thing, only using a While..Wend.
    Value = 0
    While Value < 10
        Value = Value + 1
        Write Value + " "
; Syntax:
;   While (condition)
;       (action)
;       (action)
;   Wend
; Note the way the (condition) works.
; When the (condition) is equal to False, the loop is aborted.
; Back to the Repeat, but with a condition; a Repeat..Until.
    Value = 0
        Value = Value + 1
        Write Value + " "
    Until Value = 10
; Syntax:
;   Repeat
;       (action)
;       (action)
;   Until (condition)
; Again, note the way the (condition) works.
; When the (condition) is equal to False, the loop continues.
; So actually the reversed of the While..Wend.
; Also reversed is the point where the condition is re-evaluated,
; e.g. where Blitz checks if the loop should be aborted.
; In anyway, whether you use While..Wend,
; Repeat..Until or Repeat..Forever is, again,
; just a matter of personal preference :)
; And finally..
    For Value = 1 To 10
        Write Value + " "
; Only 3 lines and it still does the exact same thing :)
; A For..Next loop:
; Syntax:
;   For (variable) = (minimum) To (maximum)
;       (action)
;       (action)
;   Next
; You can even specify a stepping value,
; although it has to be constant. (eh?)
; Example:
    For Floating# = 0 To 1 Step 0.1
        Write Value + " "
; Because the stepping value has to be constant,
; you can't use a variable for a stepping value
; so you'll have to use another loop for that.
    Local SteppingValue = 3
    Value = 0
        Value = Value + SteppingValue
    Until Value > 10
; Using a stepping value in a For..Next
; you can also count backwards.
    For Value = 10 To 1 Step -1
        Write Value + " "
; If you try to count backwards without a stepping value,
; the actions in the loop simply won't be executed.
    For Value = 10 To 1
        Print "You can put a lot of crazy stuff in here"
        Print "because it won't be placed on the screen anyway"
; There is one last type of loop.
; But it can turn your code easily into spaghetti.
    Goto Label
; Oh no, another endless loop.
; You can use Goto to jump to a specific point in your program.
; A point, marked by a Label (note the dot).
; Even the most simple Goto structures can lead to spaghetti:
    Value = False
        If Value Goto Done Else Goto Invert
        Value = Not Value : Goto Test
        Print Value          ; Value will equal 1 e.g. True.
; Ah, well, the colon (:) means code glue.
; You can connect code together like that.
; The code glue doesn't always
; work the way you want it to though.
; And it can make reading code really hard.
; And you can even glue code without glue sometimes!
    Repeat Forever .Start Goto Start
; No, we're not done yet.
; Level 2, the nestanoids :P
; You can combine as many loops
; of the same (or different) kind
; as you want.
    For Outer = 1 To 2
        For Inner = 1 To 2
            ; <---
; Can you tell me how many times
; the marked spot (with the arrow)
; will be executed?
; Here's the answer:
    Value = 0
    For Outer = 1 To 2
        For Inner = 1 To 2
            Value = Value + 1
            Write Value + " "
; Now let's add some maths.
    For Outer = 1 To 2
        For Inner = 1 To 2
            Value = Outer * Inner
; Can you tell me what Value will be
; each time the Inner loop is executed?
; Let's display it again.
    For Outer = 1 To 2
        For Inner = 1 To 2
            Value = Outer * Inner
            Write Value + " "
; I'll show you what happens in the program.
;   (Outer) (Inner) (Value)
;      1   *   1   =   1
;      1   *   2   =   2
;      2   *   1   =   2
;      2   *   2   =   4
; To make it a little more challenging
; and not to mention more interesting,
; let's expand the range of and add
; a stepping value to the inner loop,
; as well as apply some glue.
    For Outer = 1 To 2
        For Inner = 1 To 5 Step 2
            Value = Outer * Inner
            Print Outer + " * " + Inner + " = " + Outer * Inner
; Which will result in:
;   (Outer) (Inner) (Value)
;      1   *   1   =   1
;      1   *   3   =   3
;      1   *   5   =   5
;      2   *   1   =   2
;      2   *   3   =   6
;      2   *   5   =  10
; Okay, maybe not so interesting yet.
; But with some modification..
    Print " | 1 3 5"
    Print "-+-------"
    For Outer = 1 To 2
        Write Outer + "| "
        For Inner = 1 To 5 Step 2
            Write ( Outer * Inner ) + " "
; Look! It's a grid!
; Remember that types of glue
; have a certain order
; in which they work.
; For example:
    Value1 = 10
    Value2 = 10
    Print "|" + Value1 + Value2 + "|"
; is different from:
    Print "|" + ( Value1 + Value2 ) + "|"
; You could do this:
    Result = Value1 + Value2
    Print "|" + Result + "|"
; just to be sure
; all you are glueing
; is strictly text.
; But it's all up to you ;)
; Like, you could put brackets everywhere.
    Result = ( (Value1) + (Value2) )
    Print ( ("|") + (Result) + ("|") )
; Let's try displaying a 10x10 grid.
    For Y = 1 To 10
        For X = 1 To 10
            Write "*"
; Although, that looks more like a simple rectangle.
; So let's do something about that.
    For Y = 1 To 10
        Print "+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+"
        For X = 1 To 10
            Write "| "
        Print "|"
    Print "+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+"
; Ah, there we go.
; If you want to repeat text a number of times
; you can use the String command.
; Example:
    Print "Muhu" + String ( "ha" , 4 )
; Now you can make the grid
; totally dependent on one value.
    Const GridSize = 5
    For Y = 1 To GridSize
        Print String ( "+-" , GridSize )
        For X = 1 To GridSize
            Write "| "
        Print "|"
    Print String ( "+-" , GridSize )
; If you're still a little bit
; confused by all of this,
; don't worry, the answers are coming =)
; Now, how about a checkerboard?
; Start simple.
    For Y = 1 To 10
        For X = 1 To 10

; Add some display.
    Print "+----------+"
    For Y = 1 To 10
        Write "|"
        For X = 1 To 10
            Write " "
        Print "|"
    Print "+----------+"
; Add some variables
; and a condition.
    Print "+----------+"
    For Y = 1 To 10
        Even = False
        Write "|"
        For X = 1 To 10
            Even = Not Even
            If Even Then Write "O" Else Write "·"
        Print "|"
    Print "+----------+"
; Add, move and modify code.
    Even = False
    Print "+----------+"
    For Y = 1 To 10
        Write "|"
        For X = 1 To 10
            Even = Not Even
            If Even Then Write "O" Else Write "·"
        Even = Not Even
        Print "|"
    Print "+----------+"
; And voila, a checkboard.
; What do you want more? :P
; Try fiddle around with the code
; and see what you can come up with :)
; Remember that you can combine any loops you want.
    Const WhatWeWant = 5
    Local Done = False
        For Value = 1 To 10
            Write Value + " "
            If Value = WhatWeWant
                Done = True
            End If
    Until Done
; The complexity is starting to creep in.
; So many lines for such a small task.
; Your screen should read:
;   1 2 3 4 5
; Allow me to explain what happens.
; The Repeat..Until would be the outer loop.
; And the For..Next the inner loop.
; Done is set to True and the inner loop is aborted when Value equals 5.
; The outer loop continues until Done is True.